Drone Safety

This course will provide you with explanation of the basic principles of flight, safety concerns, and legal issues you have to be aware of when operating your drone.


Drones and UAV's used to be a technology you hear about from the military, but they are becoming more and more available to the public. With increased user friendliness and affordable prices, flying drones is becoming popular for business and recreation.

This course will provide you with explanation of the basic principles of flight, safety concerns, and legal issues you have to be aware of when operating your drone. In addition, it will outline when and how you have to apply for a Special Flight Operations Certificate (SFOC), and types of applications you can submit. The summary of exemption requirements is also presented, if you are not applying for a SFOC.


  • Introduction and types of drones
  • Flight basics
  • Airspace
  • Legal and Safety Concerns
    • Privacy
    • General Safety Rules
    • SFOC applications
    • SFOC and Understanding Exemptions
    • Violations and Fines
  • Summary and extra information


Average Completion Time

Completion times vary depending on the number of times the information is viewed prior to finishing the course. The average completion time is 45 minutes.


Knowledge Assessment

Testing is conducted in this online course to reinforce the information presented. You are provided three opportunities to achieve a passing mark of 80% or greater.


Certificate of Completion

Upon successful completion of this course, a certificate will be available to download and print. You can access your certificate through your online account.